Lake Watch 
               Lake Martin

 Woodfin Martin Award

Woodfin Martin (1915-1995) was a charter member of Lake Watch who reflected the spirit of those who care about protecting the beautiful waters of Lake Martin. He spent most of his life around the lake, he had an undying love for all things living, and he had a deep appreciation of the solitude and peacefulness of nature.Lake Watch of Lake Martin makes an annual award to an outstanding volunteer, supporter, or organization who exemplifies the dedication and determination of Mr. Martin.

Award recipients:

2024: Myrna Lehman and Joanna Walker

2023: Dick and Mary Ann Bronson (Lifetime Achievement Award)

2022:Janne Debes

2021: COVID Pandemic - no annual meeting

2020: Zelma and Raymond dePasquale

2019: Dianna Porter

2018: Judy Palfrey

2017: Laurel Goldsmith
2016: Kathryn Braund
2015: Mary Ann Bronson
2014: Sam Fowler, Alabama Water Watch
2013: Dick Duncan
2012: Pat & Tom Lynch, Ann & Matt Campbell  
2009: Eric Reutebuch
2008: The "Unsung Heroes" of Lake Watch
2007: Larry Locke
2006: Tommy Futral
2005: Cecille & Leon Runnells, Linda & Bill Stewart, Diana & David French
2004: Sugar Creek Water Treatment Plant Emloyees
2003: Camp ASCCA
2002: John Glasier 
2001: Volunteer Water Quality Monitors
2000: David Ludder
1999: Bill Duetsch
1997: Virginia Pietrzykowski

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